
When viewing the Wits End website, it is recommended that you use either Firefox or Safari.  We believe other web browsers like Opera should also work.  However it seems there are problems with the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) used by Joomla! 1.5.x template being used on Wits End in Internet Explorer (IE).  This problem seems to affect both IE 6 and 7.  IE 6 seems to have more problems than IE 7.  If you are using an earlier version of IE, the site has not been tested with IE versions older than IE 6.

Originally IE showed the right hand column links below and to the right of the articles and other content.  To accommodate the desire to have the right hand column links show up next to the articles and content on all the pages, there was a change made to the width of the content.  This causes a rather aesthetically unpleasing white space between the right edge of content and the right hand column.

Also in IE the right hand column links hang over the left edge of the right hand column and into the right side of the content area.  This is not how the site was designed, there should be a nice padding on both the left and right sides of the right hand column links, as you can see in Firefox or Safari.

It's a compromise all around.